The meta-message started occurring when they started giving numbers about the humanitarian package and effort that was underway by the United States. Our mission from President Bush was strictly a humanitarian mission, no use of force was expected by our military. At first I was excited because this is how I feel that our military should be used instead of war. Then they started talking about how many displaced Georgians there war and they were making romance of it in only the way media can and I think that is when it hit me. "Why after only six days has this "atrocity" been so romanticized when the ATROCITIES in Sudan and Uganda and Burma and elsewhere have been happening for who knows how long and nothing by our government has been done about it, no romanticized coverage by the media and no since of grave importance?"
This I find very inconsistent for top down. It makes me very grateful for the many organizations and individuals who care so deeply to bring light to these atrocities. I hope that we as a nation and as believers and as humanitarians don't get sucked in to the middle and forget about the margins.
hey man, I move sept. 10
hey chief, I bought that toolbox for sustainable city living for holly's birth day. I hope you all are well and thanks for your welcome
You'll really like both of these-> one's an article from the wall street journal and the other is a syndicated columnist (who appears in our paper- i found the article in another paper's online pages)
let me know what you think!
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