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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hurricane Gustav Post #2... bringing down trees

Here is a video of last minuet preparations before the storm hits in the early morning. Trying to get rid of immediate threat trees that have a chance of coming through the roof.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hurricane Gustav Post #1

Me and rachel are all set at her parents house in Mandeville while we await what is quite possibly the biggest storm to ever hit here. Who would have thought that only three years after Katrina we are facing a storm even greater. The storm surge and flooding is going to be atleast 4 feet higher than in Katrina. The footprint of Katrina was 400 miles, Gustav is already 9oo miles and growing. I have a lot of apprehension right now and you might ask why in the world are you staying, well the way I looked at it no matter where in Louisiana we went we we're going to get hit and power, granted we live just above lake ponchaetrain but we live right above I-12 so we really only have to worry about trees coming through the roof from gail force winds and or tornado's. We are as prepared as you can be for something of this magnitude. We have a generator, chainsaws, plenty of food and water, flashlights, cards and games, books and of course beer, wine and tobacco(quite possibly the most essential resources in a time like this). This is post number one, I intend to update as often as possible, hopefully I can find an internet source quickly after the storm hits, me and my brothers-n-law plan on taking some before pictures and then after the storm we plan on taking the canoe around(because thats the only way to get around) and getting the after shots. I hope all are well, and I pray that lives are saved and and houses unscaved.  

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Inspired and unashamed

I am married now and have a future with my family to consider with everything I do and every decision I make now. I have been very forward with my support for Barrack Obama for president for a while now and after tonight I have a myriad of new reasons why I am supporting him and would love to talk to anyone about that who would like to know. After tonight I saw such a bright future for my family in the hopes of the leadership of Barrack Obama. I want my kids to inherit a better world than the one that we have today and I feel confident in my kids and families future because of the character of the person of Barrack Obama. I am by no means naive and completely idealistic, I believe that it takes an incredible amount of individual responsibility, but it also takes a significant amount of mutual/communal responsibility. 

may the winds blow
the winds of change


Voter Guide

Here is a pdf that you can download that comes from the Sojourners organization that outlines the issues that Christians should be aware of and vote on along with holding our candidates responsible to.  It really is worth your time to look at.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Poll results

I put this poll up initially on an impulse( like a lot of the things I do) and it was after watching the Saddleback  Faith Forum as well as the Larry King Live interview with pastor Rick Warren who hosted the forum between Senators Barrack Obama and John McCain. After about 10 minutes from posting this poll I wanted to take it down because I realized how silly it seemed and especially how silly it could seem without an explanation to it, but I decided to leave it up there because I realized that it could be a great visual for what I am about to write about. The Evangelical vote is always highly coveted as of the past few elections and quite a large voting block that is heavily targeted. Over the past several elections cycles there have been several hot button issues that have decided who to vote for if you are a Christian. And yes we all know these as abortion, gay rights and war. Over the past few election cycles if you were a self proclaimed Christian then you had to vote for someone who held the same values on these issues as you and the evangelical base as if these were the only moral issues at stake. Other moral issues such as the environment(creation), poverty,non-violence, healthcare etc. haven't been considered important enough to God apparently and decidedly so by the evangelical leaders. So up to this point we have the conservative right evangelicals backing republican base issues of pro-life and anti gay rights and war and we have the liberal secularist and evangelicals backing democratic base issues of poverty healthcare and the environment. 
    Lets jump forward a little to the faith forum. I was really excited about this. I had read a lot about Rick Warren as the ascribed new leader of the modern evangelicals who cared about more historically liberal issues such as poverty and the environment. During the interview with Larry King he said that there were a lot of questions that he wanted to get to that covered these more historically liberal issues but didn't have time to, but he definitely had time to ask questions about abortion rights and gay rights. And it was at this point that I decided to throw the poll up on this blog, because I wanted to see how people viewed the message of Jesus Christ. I wanted to see if that view of Jesus's message correlated into the evangelical base's main issues of importance. And the results show quite the opposite. If the people who voted on my pole vote according to their view this upcoming November then it should be clear who they vote for, at least its clear to me. If those 7 who took this poll are a small sample of the evangelical voters then I have hope for this upcoming election. I sincerely hope and pray that followers of Jesus Christ see the message of Jesus as the 7 of you who took this poll do. Jesus never spoke of abortion or homosexuality directly, Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of God at hand, he taught us to take care of the least of these, he taught us time and time again to take care of the poor and the oppressed, he told us to turn the other cheek, he told peter to put down his sword. Jesus didn't say that because we were attacked we must defeat evil by attacking back. Jesus taught and lived Non-Violence as a means to resist evil! 

this is my prayer

Friday, August 15, 2008



Ive been real intrigued by the Russian/Georgian conflict, for several reasons. The battle over western and eastern ideologies first grabbed my attention and I started getting sucked in to the pro-west mindset and fervor that once held most americans during the days of the cold war. Then I started hearing what could be called a "meta-message", this wasn't a meta-message intentionally inlayed into the coverage but instead of how I started to interpret the actions by our government, the coverage, and the feelings of importance of what was happening. That is kind of vague so I will try to narrow it down. 
       The meta-message started occurring when they started giving numbers about the humanitarian package and effort that was underway by the United States. Our mission from President Bush was strictly a humanitarian mission, no use of force was expected by our military. At first I was excited because this is how I feel that our military should be used instead of war. Then they started talking about how many displaced Georgians there war and they were making romance of it in only the way media can and I think that is when it hit me. "Why after only six days has this "atrocity" been so romanticized when the ATROCITIES in Sudan and Uganda and Burma and elsewhere have been happening for who knows how long and nothing by our government has been done about it, no romanticized coverage by the media and no since of grave importance?"

   This I find very inconsistent for top down. It makes me very grateful for the many organizations and individuals who care so deeply to bring light to these atrocities. I hope that we as a nation and as believers and as humanitarians don't get sucked in to the middle and forget about the margins. 

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Several years ago I heard this image(hmm that sounds funny) as another way to see the life of Jesus and as a way to show/explain what Jesus was about and what He was hear for. Essentially, as my amazing drawing shows, Jesus came to reconcile four relationships; our relationship with oursleves, our relationship with humanity, our relationship with God and our relationship with creation(nature,environment,etc..) 

Any thoughts on this?