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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Enchanted Rock, thank you

Rachel and I just got back from Enchanted Rock State Park and had a blast! We will write and post more in detail on our blog From the snow to the sun, from the freezing cold to the temperate heat, we had it all!

"It builds character" a guy once said

Saturday, February 20, 2010

This chapter and the next

Austin is great. We are finding that every reason we chose to move here is actually happening, and we praise God for that. Whether it be just the intrisically unique vibe that is always in the air, the great people we are meeting, amazing little restaurants and coffee shops, great and wonderful faith communities, outdoor accessibility, music and etc.. We have learned just a wealth about life, about ourselves, our faith and our life in the short time that we have been here and are so very grateful for that. We are really trying to create life practices, spiritual habits, that we will, and can, carry on throughout our life together. Its really neat to be in this almost nebulous stage of our life together, where we can see the foundation of our marriage and life being formed under us as we go, what an incredible thing!

But with all of that, there is still a greater call on our lives, one that I can't not think about. I am definitely not letting it take the focus off of being here, because we are taking full advantage of it and are trying to put down some roots. But there are dreams and visions on my heart and Rachel's heart that we have to respond to, and its exciting. So until that day comes, it's good to just be, and there aren't too many better places to just be than in Austin.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who Dat!

I just had to make a post about the Saints winning the Super Bowl!


I still can't believe it. I love all of the videos of downtown New Orleans after the super bowl and of the parade tuesday night. There are no better fans in the world than those in New Orleans!

Congratulations Saints! and Thank You!

Monday, February 1, 2010

thankful for a new day

I love the morning. It gives me a chance to live only in that day. It allows me to have a renewed spirit, heart and attitude, especially after a blahh day the day before. I definitely find the theme and cycle of death and rebirth to be true and relevant all throughout the many facets of life.