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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A new season is in the air..I can feel it

I am starting to think that normal is what you make it. Rachel and I joke some times about "when are things or life gonna be back to normal" but I really don't think we have set ourselves up for the typical normal lifestyle, and I think we are really ok with that. But having said that, we do feel that things are settling into a nice rhythm now. All of our roomates were home for the first time together last night! Barrett and Kristin are leaving again for a few more weeks, but its basically like they are here. Job possibilities are starting to come to fruition and we have been connecting with more people at Vox. Yesterday I made a quick list of things that I wanted to focus on this fall so that I had some goals and whatnot, and hopefully come Christmas time I can look back and see if I stuck with any of it. And as dorky as it sounds I am pretty stoked about some football :).... Also a quick side note, I feel very fortunate to have gotten to know my friend Evan for the past few months. He just left for Afghanistan for a few years to follow Jesus and serve. Very few people have effected me in such a short period of time like he has, you can follow his journey on his blog.

I am so blessed, I pray that I realize that everyday and celebrate it in thanks and gratitude, and share it with others.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

From South to East

Its been 9 months. Our lease is up and we are moving. We are moving from our way too nice Soco( lingo for South Congress) apt where so much local and non-local activity goes down on a daily basis to a more fitting house, tailored perfectly for Rachel and I and our roomates in a humble neighborhood on the East side of town. We are super excited about this for several reasons. Number one being it is a house, and an amazingly renovated house at that! It has two larger decks, a partially covered one in front and a fully covered one in back. Another reason why we are excited is that we are going to be able to have a large garden and chickens!! Don't know a ton about either yet but can't wait to learn. Also, we are living really close to the faith community that we are apart of called Vox Veniae. It is also really close to Good & Fair Clothing, where we are doing our internship. We have some great neighbors that are old families that have been there for a while and have history that we can take a lot from. We are super close to some great coffee shops and restaurants and right down the street from the University of Texas. I will post more on our house and the garden and chickens and all as we go along, just wanted to get an intro on here about this next chapter in our life.